Isabel Villar


“That other forest within the forest”

Paintings 2019-2021

The art gallery Fernández-Braso presents an exhibition dedicated to the latest paintings by Isabel Villar (Salamanca, 1934) made in his studio in Madrid between 2019 and 2021. This exhibition complements the retrospective held at the gallery in 2018, curated by Alberto Anaut; and it happens to the participation of Isabel Villar in the exhibition “Collection XX: History of Art,” held in 2020 at the Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (CA2M) of the Community of Madrid.

Isabel Villar meet 87-year-old the next day, march 8, and we wanted to join in the celebration by organizing this exhibition and editing a new catalogue on the artist, a publication that will bring together the works of participants, and two new texts about his work and his painting.



  • Isabel Villar

    Salamanca, 1934

    Gold medal of the city of Salamanca in 2018

  • Artistic collaborations

    1973 Cover of New Daily Supplement CCXII, Madrid, 14-10-1973.


    1975 Cover of Notebooks for the dialogno. 48, EDICUSA, Madrid.


    1976 Poster of the Festivities of Villafamés, Castellón.

    Poster XXVII Congress of the PSOE.


    1978 Covers Change 16no. 360, and no. 367, Madrid.

    Cover The Country Weeklyno. 640, Madrid.


    1979 album Cover A tribute to Failure of Estevez, Larrauri, Otero, and F. Alvarez.

    Spanish confederation of Savings banks and RCA.


    1981 Cover of Triumph Monthly, no. 4, Madrid.


    1982 movie Poster While the body stamina Fernando Trueba.


    1983 Poster work The awakening of spring Frank Wedekind.

    Poster Tales from the Vienna woods, Teatro Español, Madrid, Spain.  


    1985 Calendar of the Ministry of Culture / Women's Institute.

    Movie poster The lost paradises Basilio Martín Patino.


    1987 Cover of the book The child today: human development and family, Jerome Kagan. Espasa Calpe, Madrid.


    1989 Cover of the book The re-founding of the European bourgeois Charles S. Maier. Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Madrid, spain.

    Book cover Twenty years of song in Spain (1963-1983) Fernando González Lucini. Ediciones de la Torre, Madrid.


    1994 Cover of the book The shape of the night, Juan Pedro Aparicio. Editorial Alfaguara, Madrid.


    1996 Cover of the record Walk Maria Dolores Pradera. Serdisco, Madrid.


    1997 Serigraphs of the book of Gonzalo Alonso-Bartol: Isabel Villar. The gaze and the hand. Editorial Sheep to the Wolf, Madrid.

  • Museums and Collections

    Canary association of Friends of Contemporary Art

    City of Salamanca

    National Library, Madrid

    Caja de Ahorros de la Inmaculada, Zaragoza

    Caja Duero

    Art center Faro Cabo mayor, Santander

    Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Seville, spain

    Collection A. C. S

    Collection of Graphic Art of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Madrid

    Collection Vallejo-Nájera

    Collection Witness, Fundación La Caixa, Barcelona

    National confederation of Savings banks, Madrid

    Fundación Camilo José Cela, Padrón, A Coruña

    Graphische Sammlung-Albertina, Vienna, Austria

    Junta de Castilla y León, Valladolid

    Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia

    Museum of Art Nouveau and Art Deco Casa Lis, Salamanca

    Museum of Contemporary Art, A. C., Santa Cruz de Tenerife

    Museum of Contemporary Art, Elche, Alicante

    Museum of Contemporary Art, Toledo

    Museum of Contemporary Art, Villafamés, Castellón

    Gustavo de Maeztu museum, Estella-Lizarra, Navarre

    Museo Luis González Robles, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid

    Museum of Fine Arts, Santander

    Olympic Museum, Lausanne, Switzerland

    Museum of Postal and Telegraphic, Madrid

    Museum Round, Santander

    Museum San Eloy, Salamanca

    Vatican Museum, Rome, Italy

    University Carlos III, Madrid, spain

    Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander

    Collection Junta de Castilla y León

    Nature museum of Cantabria

    CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo

  • Selection of authors who have written about Elizabeth Villar

    Vicente Aguilera Cerni

    Sun Alameda

    Eduardo Alaminos

    Alberto Anaut

    Carlos Areán

    Mark-Ricardo Barnatán

    Maria Teresa Blanch

    Valeriano Bozal

    Francisco Calvo Serraller

    Jose de Castro Arines

    Manuel Conde

    Raul Chávarri

    José Ramón Danvila

    Star Diego

    Miguel Fernández-Braso

    Miguel Fernandez-Cid

    Fernando Francés

    Aurora Garcia

    Daniel Giralt-Miracle

    José Hierro

    Fernando Huici

    Miguel Logroño

    Juan Ignacio Macua

    Carmen Martín Gaite

    José Marín Medina

    Josep Melia

    José María Moreno Galván

    Carmen Pallarés

    Rosa María Pereda

    Nativel Preciado

    Javier Rubio

    Rafael Santos Torroella

    Fernando Savater

    Eugenia de Suñer

    Juan Antonio VallejoNájera

    Sabina Urraca

    Eduardo Westerdahl

  • Exhibitions

    1958 Room Miranda, Salamanca.

    Casino Worker, Béjar, Salamanca.


    1959 Savings bank, Valladolid.

    Gallery Ares, Castellón.

    Ateneo, Santander.


    1960 Rooms of the Club, Valencia.

    PortraitsGallery Artis, Salamanca.


    1961 University Of Salamanca.


    1963 Gallery South, Santander.


    1964 Gallery Illescas, Bilbao.

    Festivals of Spain, House of Spain, Mieres, Asturias, spain.


    1965 Caja de Ahorros de Salamanca, Valladolid.


    1970 Gallery Sen, Madrid.


    1971 Gallery Tassili, Oviedo.

    House of XV Century, Segovia.

    Galería Rayuela, Madrid.


    1972 Gallery Joan of Aizpuro, Seville.


    1974 Sala Luzán, Zaragoza.

    Point Gallery, Valencia.


    1975 Gallery Sarrió, Barcelona.

    Galeria Kreisler-Two, Madrid.

    Galería José María Burgos, Valladolid.


    1976 Galería Juana de Aizpuru, Seville.


    1977 Gallery Marco Polo, Madrid.

    Bank of Granada, Granada, spain.


    1978 Gallery Rayuela, Madrid.

    1979 Gallery Rayuela, Madrid.

    Galería Fúcares, Almagro, Ciudad Real.

    College of Architects, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

    Gallery Balos, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


    1980 Savings bank, Zamora.


    1981 Sala Luzán, Zaragoza.


    1982 Gallery Kreisler-Two, Madrid.

    Gallery Parke 15, Pamplona.

    Gallery Artis, Salamanca.


    1983 Room Pelaire, Palma de Mallorca.

    Museum of Fine Arts, Santander.


    1984 Gallery of the palace, Valencia.

    ARCH, Gallery Sen, Madrid.


    1985 Gallery Mainel, Burgos.


    1986      Isabel Villar, 1970-1985Casa Lis, Salamanca.

    Gallery Luisa Lopez, Tarragona.

    Espana CaniGallery Sen, Madrid.


    1987 Gallery Evelio Gayubo, Valladolid.


    1988 Gallery Ederti, Bilbao.


    1990 Gallery Fandos i Leonarte, Valencia.

    Gallery Sen, Madrid.


    1991      Isabel Villar and Alcain, Gallery Modern Times, Madrid.


    1992 Gallery Pedrona Torrens, Alcudia, Mallorca.


    1993 Gallery Space Phoenix, Caracas, Venezuela.


    1994 Gallery Sen, Madrid.

    Gallery Raphael, Valladolid.


    1996 Gallery Pedrona Torrens, Alcudia, Mallorca.

    Exhibition hall of the Box, Salamanca, Soria, Salamanca.


    1997      LandscapesGallery Sen, Madrid.

    1998 Gallery Leonarte, Valencia.


    2000      Isabel Villar. Work: 1977-2000, Junta de Castilla y León, ministry of Education and Culture. Travelling by Castile and León.


    2001 Gallery Sen, Madrid.


    2001 Art In Lancia, León.


    2004 Gallery John Gray, Madrid.


    2006 Gallery Raphael, Cádiz.


    2007 Gallery Leonarte, Valencia.


    2009 Gallery John Gray, Madrid.

    Art center Faro Cabo mayor, Santander.


    2016 In a place that I see it, Art Room Robayera, Miengo, Cantabria.


    2018      Isabel Villar. Work: 1970-2017, Gallery Fernández-Braso, Madrid.


    2021      Isabel Villar. That other forest within the forest. Gallery Fernández-Braso, Madrid.



Selección de obra de Isabel Villar