Xavier Valls



The centenary of the birth of an artist becomes an excellent occasion to recall his memory, and the most remarkable of his personality.

The art gallery Fernández-Braso Madrid wanted to join this symbolic date published in Spanish in this dictionary that aims to get closer to the biography of Xavier Valls across a broad range of people, places, and events that autorretratan. The artist in the mirror of the other.

The texts that follow, written in italics, are the work of Louise Valls or extracts of your own Xavier Valls. Collaborations commissioned expressly for this Dictionary bearing the signature of each author at the end of the texts of the respective input. The rest are the work of Josep Miquel Garcia.



Born September 18, 1923 in the district of Horta, Barcelona.

1936 Charles Collet, sculptor barcelona, is set in Horta. First lessons in drawing to Valls. Will be his true master.

1937/38 He enrolled in the Escola Massana School of Arts and Crafts).

1939/40 Learn decorative techniques such as stained glass windows and mural painting.

1940/42 Worked as a draftsman with the jeweler Ramon Sunyer, one of the goldsmiths most well-known members of Noucentisme. Attend the classes of the Artistic Circle and become a member of the Circle of Decorative Arts. Thanks to Collet known artists of previous generations as Manolo Hugué, Llorens Artigas, Joaquín Sunyer and Miquel Villá. Learn piano and music theory.

1946 The French Institute of Barcelona was very important for these young artists who, like Valls, wanted to get out of the isolation caused by the political situation at the time. A founding member of the "Circle Mallol". Perform exhibitions of his own works as well as tributes to well-established artists. The first medal of the V Autumn Salon in Palma de Mallorca.

1949 Through the French Institute, the French Government granted him a scholarship to a month, to go to Paris. He decides to stay in France, living first in the College of Spain, the City College and after in Ecouen. He paints still lifes and landscapes as "The street of Ecouen", to be presented at the Autumn Salon in Paris in 1953. Also works in the home of a glassmaker for four years and help to Fernand Léger in the making of the stained glass windows in Audincourt.

1950 It is installed in Montparnasse, where it coincides with Óscar Domínguez, Giacometti, Clavé, Campigli, Pedro Flores, Pougny, Apel.les Fenosa, Joaquín Peinado, Orlando Pelayo and Baltasar Lobo. But Valls prefer the night life of Saint Germain of Paris, around the poet Rafael Lasso de la Vega and intellectuals such as Guillermo Torres, Maria Zambrano, Tristan Tzara, André Salmon, Christian Zervos, Arturo Despouey, Antonio Quirós, Jordi Mercadé and Jaime del Valle-Inclán, with which it enters into a great friendship. It is this time, Alberto Giacometti, and the painter Luis Fernández will encourage you to keep its own style within the figuration.

1951 Moves to an old house in the quai de l'hôtel de Ville, where they set up his workshop and home. In the wake of a collective exhibition held at the College of Spain, he met the art critic Julián Gállego, with the start of a deep friendship. He exhibited together with Ninon and Collet in the gallery Syra Barcelona. He frequents the house of Maurici Torra Balari, where it coincides with Jean Genet, Henri de Montherlant, the musician Jacques Février, painters, Order, Vilato, Grau Room, Clavé, Francesc Salés and the writer Margherita Sarfatti. He frequents the house of Magali and Pierrete Gargallo, a meeting place of Catalan artists and personalities French as the actor Gaston Modot and the poet Pierre Réverdy.

1952 Collaborates with two drawings in the literary magazine Laye, linked to the brothers Ferrater. Presented to the painter Luis Marsans, who will be one of your best friends. He paints the picture "Factories of Clignancourt", prize of the exhibition held at the College of Spain in Paris. Participates in the October Salon of Barcelona. He developed a friendship with the musicologist Daniel Devotee and with the writers Carlo Coccioli, Julio Cortázar, Ramon Xuriguera, and Alberto Arias.

1953 Participates in the Salon des indépendants in Paris and the Salon IV of October in Barcelona. In the gallery Vayreda he held his first solo exhibition, which presents paintings in the style that characterizes the first stage of his career, with obvious contrasts of colors and shapes, with clear ties cubists. In these works we find elements that will be present throughout his work, such as emotionalism, which will be increasingly intense, and the use of everyday topics: objects of his workshop and the quais of the Seine.

1954 Participates in the seventh Hall of October in Barcelona and at the Biennial Hispanic-american Havana.

1955 Participates in the exhibition "Young Painters Spanish" held at the College of Spain and won the first prize. One of the works that participated in the III Bienal the Spanish-american of Barcelona receives the award for best still life. One of the prints that make up the book "Dotze Paisatges Urbans" (Editions La Rosa Vera), accompanied by a poem by Marià Manent. Jordi Benet Aurell writes the first essay on the painting of Xavier Valls in the book "the Exponent of the painting moderna".

1956 Performed his second solo exhibition at the sala Vayreda of Barcelona. In Italy known to Luisangela Galfetti, who was to become, later, his wife. The marriage Gili introduces him to Pablo Picasso.

1957 Participates in the Lounge of the Independent and the VIII Room of the Young art of Paris.

1958 It is home to Luisangela Galfetti who will become, from this moment, a key part of the life and work of the painter. Luisa, and later their children, will be virtually the only models of the painter, although it will continue to maintain the same theme of landscapes and still lifes. The landscapes of this period of time is clearly distinguished from those of the previous stage by pared-down composition, influence of the abstraction of the moment.

1959 Participates in the III May Salon of Barcelona. Exhibition in the gallery Vayreda, with text by Julián Gállego in the catalog. This exhibition will be the last Valls made in Barcelona until the anthology of 1985.

1960 These years are going to make very especially the memory of the painter. Despite the fact that your best friends will continue to animate, Valls is working solo in front of two trends are increasingly separated: the realism and abstraction. This divergence is even more evident in the artistic world of Barcelona, and it is perhaps for this reason that the work of Valls, that does not correspond to any of the two trends, it will take many years to return to their homeland. Exposed individually in the gallery, switzerland Gallery Cittadella of Ascona.

1961 Through the mediation of Henry Kahnweiler comes in contact with Henriette Gomès, dealer, Balthus, and since that time, Xavier Valls.

1962 Performs, in Marcillac, three stained-glass windows for the private chapel of Edmond Michelet, future Minister of Culture. Known Alejo Carpentier in the house of Henriette Gomès. Born in Horta his son Manuel.

1963 Born in Paris, his daughter Giovanna. First individual exhibition in Paris, at the Galerie Henriette Gomès. Jean Cassou acquires the box "The Seine" Museum of Modern Art, of which he is a director.

1964 In Paris known and has a great friendship with the poet Théo Léger, who is set to become one of the most important collectors of his work. It will be presented to the Mme. Suzanne Tézénas, founder of the "Domaine Musical", which is a gathering in your home to poets, writers, musicians and artists.

1965 Is devoted entirely to the artistic creation in his workshop in Paris. Your work is going to evolve. Manages to combine in a very personal way the volume, light and space, with graduations chromatic softer and less contrasted.

1966 Thanks to his friendship with the photographer and filmmaker William Klein, acting in the film "Qui êtes-vous Polly Magoo?" and known to Simone Signoret and Costa Gavras. At the same time, long evenings with the Spanish writer José Bergamín, neighbor.

1967 Second exhibition in the Galerie Henriette Gomès. Text of the catalogue of Jaime del Valle-Inclán. The Contemporary Art Center of Paris acquired the work "La Porte Vitrée".

1969 The third exhibition at the Galerie Henriette Gomès. Friendship with George Raillard, a professor at the University of Vincennes, who was director of the French Institute of Barcelona.

1970 In Paris, along with Théo Léger, relates to the writer and painter Pierre Klossowski and the writer and critic Patrick Waldberg.

1972 Two exhibitions at the Galerie Henriette Gomès (paintings in may, drawings and watercolors in November). The Musée Cantini in Marseille acquires one of their drawings. The French State to purchase three drawings, a watercolour and a box.

1974 Exhibition in the Gallery Theo Madrid, in whose catalogue it appears in a text of Julián Gállego. Meetings with artists such as Guillermo Delgado, Caneja and Cristino Mallo.

1976 Exhibition at the Galerie Henriette Gomès. The painting "Les Fermes" (1974) is selected by the I International festival of Plastic Arts of Lanzarote and acquired by the Museum in this city.

1977 Exhibition in the Gallery Sa Pleta Freda de Mallorca.

1978 Alejo Carpentier writes a study about your painting will be reproduced in the catalogue of the exhibition of the Museum of Modern Art of Barcelona, 1985.

1979 Collaborates with a drawing on the literary magazine "Les Cahiers dObsidiane", dedicated to the poet lebanese Salah Stétié. Appointed by the French Government "Chevalier dans lOrdre des Arts et des Lettres". Award Cáceres Paint. Le Centre d'etudes Catalanes de Paris-Sorbonne dedicates an exhibition and published a catalogue with a text by V. Jankélévitch. Exposed in Galerie Henriette Gomès and in the booth that represents this gallery at the fair of Paris, FIAC.

1980 She was awarded the Prix Drouant, critics award, French, whose jury is chaired by the poet Max-Pol Fouchet.

1981 The exhibition "Xavier Valls. Retrospective 1954-1980" is presented in the Musée Ingres in Montauban. The catalog includes a text by Pierre Barousse, the director of the museum.

1982 The Directorate General of Fine Arts, Archives and Libraries of the Ministry of Culture in Madrid organizes the exhibition "Xavier Valls", in the halls of the Subdirectorate General of fine Arts. First recognition of his work in Spain. The catalog presents a detailed study of the university professor Antonio Bonet Correa, and texts of Antoni Marí, Alejo Carpentier, V. Jankélévitch and Jaime del Valle-Inclán.

1983 Exhibition of drawings and watercolors at the Galerie Henriette Gomès of Paris.

1984 The Spanish Museum of Contemporary Art of Madrid acquires the box "Pêches the Pichet" (1974). He writes about the painting of his friend, the architect Oscar Tusquets.

1985 He exhibited at the Galerie Henriette Gomès, Paris. After twenty-six years he has exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in his native city. In the catalogue, texts by Maria Aurelia Capmany, Cristina Mendoza, Julián Gállego, Marià Manent, Alejo Carpentier, Jean Selz and the Xavier Valls, as well as the portrait painter of his friend, the photographer Leopoldo Pomes. "Creu de Sant Jordi" of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

1987 Article "Homage to the painter Luis Fernández" in the magazine of poetry published in Barcelona Pink Cubic.

1988 Exhibition at the ASB Gallery in London. The catalogue includes texts by Janine Rensch, V. Jankélévitch and P. Schaffer. Portrait of the painter made by photographer, Claude François and family made by Toni Catany.

1989 Participates in the exhibition "Les paysages dans l'art Contemporain", which takes place at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Appointed Officier dans lOrdre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Government. Collaborates in the magazine Pink Cubic with a drawing that illustrates the poem "Trees men" by Juan Ramón Jiménez.

1991 Exposure individual in the booth that represents the Gallery Claude Bernard in Paris, at the ARCO Fair’91, Madrid. Exhibition of paintings and watercolors in the gallery, Juan Gris de Madrid.

1993 Exhibition at the Galerie Claude Bernard in Paris. In the catalog, a text by Antoine Terrasse. Gold medal for Merit in the Fine Arts of the Community of Madrid.

1994 "Plats dArtistes", exhibition at the Fundació Tallers Josep Llorens Artigas – Gallifa (Barcelona). Lounge 16, National Museum of Anthropology (old MEAC).

1995 "Art Catalan Contemporain", Montpellier, France. Exhibition of paintings in the gallery, Juan Gris de Madrid. "French Art Show", Baynunah Hilton Tower, Abu Dhabi. Text to ABC Cultural motif of "Bergamin unpublished hundred years."

1996 Text "Encounter with Balthus" for the magazine Art and Part, published in Madrid. Exhibition "Sensibilities", in the galería Leandro Navarro, "Nature" in the gallery, Juan Gris, and "Still life Contemporary" in the gallery Hopscotch, all in Madrid. Opening at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid in the second part of the Permanent Collection, where they are exposed to three paintings of the artist. Performs "Seven illustrations" for the book "A la Fontaine" by the poet Guillevic, edited by Le Nouveau Cercle Parisien du Livre, Paris.

1997 Exhibition of watercolors in the gallery, Juan Gris de Madrid.

1999 Exhibition of paintings in the gallery, Juan Gris de Madrid. Exhibition in the gallery Artur Ramon, Barcelona.

2000 Named a Commandeur dans lOrdre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Government. "Premi Nacional de les Arts Plástiques", Barcelona.

2001 Solo exhibition of paintings and presentation of the book "Listening to Xavier Valls" by Miguel Fernández-Braso at the gallery by Juan Gris de Madrid.

2002 "Les Contrées du Silence", Musee Ingres, Montauban. "Mimesis et Inventio", Zlitgenössiche in Europe-Panorama Museum Bad Frankenhausen.

2003 Publication "Meva caixa de Pandora", memories of Xavier Valls Editions Quaderns Crema, Barcelona. Exhibition of watercolors in the gallery, Juan Gris de Madrid.

2004 Text "Rafael Benet", for the magazine Quaderns" of the Fundació Rafael Benet.

2005 Exhibition of paintings in the gallery, Juan Gris de Madrid.

2006 Dies at his home in Horta on the 16th day of September. Day 27 is named as a corresponding member in the Paris of the Academy of Fine Arts of Sant Jordi in Barcelona.

2007 Participates in the exhibition "Still learning. Latest works of leading figures", in the Museum of Contemporary Art Esteban Vicente, Segovia, spain. "Transfiguration", the ministry of Culture and Sports of the Community of Madrid. Exhibition of watercolors in the gallery, Juan Gris de Madrid.

2009 "Xavier Valls, painting i dibuix" Room, Freedom, Barcelona. Les enfants modèles" (Claude Monet, Pierre Arditi), Musée de lOrangerie Paris.

2012 "Xavier Valls, the Light of Paris", an exhibition of paintings, 1962-2006, gallery Fernández-Braso, Madrid.

2013 "Xavier Valls, Sotto Voce", The Fundació Vila Casas, Barcelona. Catalogue with essays by Glória Bosch, curator of the exhibition.

2014 "Xavier Valls, Sotto Voce", Centre d'etudes Catalanes Université Paris-Sorbonne. Catalogue with essays by Glória Bosch and Giovanna Valls Galfetti.

2015 "Xavier Valls i els llibres", Fundació Apel.les Fenosa - El Vendrell (Tarragona). Text Josep Miguel Garcia. Photos from the covers of Jean-Marie del Moral.

2017 "Xavier Valls. Drawings, 1962-2001", gallery Fernández-Braso, Madrid. Catalog text by Francisco Calvo Serraller.


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