Sempere - Soledad Sevilla

Parallel lines

Me desvelo, and I think Sempere. Or do I sleeplessness because I think Sempere?

I declined, at first, this kind invitation to write a text about Sempere thinking that nothing could I bring to everything has already been said about his work, but I see now that this unexpected and undeserved proposal has had to order the faculty of incitarme to write -even if you are still, however, thinking exactly the same thing - since he has to finish for face again to the question of what is what captivates me of his work, a work of which I am so attached, for which I feel such admiration. Or desvelarme once more thinking about Sempere.



Sempere is the artist of alicante's most internationally well-known and one of the Spanish artists more relevant in the second half of the TWENTIETH century. His work is always around to geometric abstraction sometimes kinetics and other more lyrical and landscape, displays an artistic trajectory of a coherence impeccable. His works are the fruit of a rigorous and continuous study of the geometric shape, the optical illusion and the sense of motion, although they have a lyricism very unique and a great formal beauty.

He was born in Onil, a small industrial town in the province of Alicante in 1923 in a humble family of artisans but he studied in Valencia, at the School of Fine Arts of San Carlos where the teachings of modern art were proscribed. He went then to Paris, where it was installed during twelve years away from the weather stifling of the Spanish culture. There was personally acquainted with some of the survivors of the avant-garde as Braque, or Arp, is instructed in the fundamentals of modern art with works by Kandinsky, Mondrian and Klee although related by affinity creative, with the artists more constructivist, optical and kinetic of the Denise René gallery. In the French capital would develop their own language abstract geometric abandoning forever the figuration reflected in its splendid series of gouache on cardboard and reliefs of light.

Years later, in 1960, he returned to Spain, settling in Madrid with Abel Martin, his trusty and loyal companion to whom he had known in Paris, and that there would be separated until the end of his days. Without abandoning the geometric abstraction, his work follows the castillian landscape, absorbing forms, textures and colors of the group of friends informal with the that relates around the Museum of Abstract Art in Cuenca or at the galería Juana Mordó of Madrid. Harvest success and recognition, is present in biennials and national and international exhibitions. And in addition, it engages in any of the adventures of the most beautiful Spanish art being one of the pioneers convinced builders of modernity: the creation of a Museum of Abstract Art in Cuenca, cybernetic art of the Computation Center of the University of Madrid, design, and genesis of the Museum of outdoor Sculpture in the Paseo de la Castellana or his own Museum of the Secured thanks to the donation for the public benefit of its collection of works of contemporary art to the city of Alicante, today a Museum of Contemporary Art of Alicante.

Years after it is named a Favorite Son of the Province, the adoptive Son of the city of Alicante, a Doctor Honoris Causa by the University and Prince of Asturias Award for the Arts. Dies in Onil in 1985, the victim of a severe degenerative disease.


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