Soledad Sevilla

New outposts


As an integral part of Opening 2015, the art gallery Fernández-Braso will present next Thursday, September 10, an exhibition dedicated to the latest series of works —paintings and sculptures— that has made Soledad Sevilla Valencia (1944) during the years 2014 and 2015, titled New outposts

These last works are part of a larger project, initiated in 2007, dedicated to the study, analysis and interpretation, in artistic terms, the tobacco drying sheds of the Vega of Granada. 



Soledad Sevilla

Valencia, 1944.

He lives in Barcelona.

Gold medal of the Fine Arts.

National prize of Plastic Arts.

Award Alfons Roig, Valencia.

Medal of the Acad. BB.AA. Granada José María Rodríguez Acosta.

Prize Art and Patronage by The la Caixa Foundation.

Works in Museums and Collections

Museum Collections

Fundación Juan March, Madrid

Col.lesson Testimony of "La Caixa", Barcelona

Bank of Spain, Madrid

National Heritage

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid

Museum of Fine Arts, Bilbao

Museum of Fine Arts of Álava, Vitoria

Diputación de Granada

European Parliament

Künstmuseum Malmöe, Sweden

Museum of Villafamés, Castellón

Museum of Abstract Art in Cuenca

Collection Art of the XX Century, Casa de la Asegurada,Alicante

Museum Marugame Hirai Spanish Contemporary Art, Marugame, Japan

Collection Fundesco, Madrid

Collection of Contemporary Art fundació "la Caixa", Barcelona

Collection Fundación Argentaria

IVAM, Valencia

ARTIUM, Vitoria.

Collection AENA of Contemporary Art.


 Prize Art and Patronage 2014 (Fundación La Caixa)

Solo exhibitions

 Exhibitions and solo Project


Altarpiece. Gallery SCQ Santiago de Compostela

In two and three dimensions. Room The Nao. International University Menendez Pelayo. Santander

Lights of August. Iberia Art Center. Beijing

Time flies. Bienal de Pontevedra. Museum of Pontevedra

Hilham, national Museum of Damascus, Syria


Recent work. Galería Soledad Lorenzo. Madrid.

Course of a work. Institute of America, Santa Fe, Granada.


Soledad Sevilla. Senda Gallery. Barcelona.


Soledad Sevilla. Gallery SCQ, Santiago de Compostela.

Windows and borders. Gallery The Ship, Valencia.


El Rompido. Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid.

Thresholds. Art Gallery Nine, Murcia.

Work on paper. Galería Estiarte. Madrid.


When nothing is left. Only the sea in your eyes. Sala Amós Salvador, Logroño.


Soledad Sevilla. Galería Senda, Barcelona.

Soledad Sevilla. Room Robayera. Miengo, Cantabria.


Soledad Sevilla. The Island of the Turtle. Haim Chanin Fine Arts.

Soledad Sevilla. Gallery SCQ, Santiago de Compostela.

Soledad Sevilla: Insomnia. The Nave Gallery. Valencia.


Soledad Sevilla, the space and the enclosure. IVAM Centre del Carme. Valencia.

Soledad Sevilla. Galería Soledad Lorenzo. Madrid.


Soledad Sevilla LU., Koldo Mitxelena Kulturenea, San Sebastian.


Soledad Sevilla, recent Work. Gallery The Ship, Valencia.


Colegio de Arquitectos de Málaga, Málaga, spain.

Time flies. Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid.


Gallery The Ship, Valencia.

Papers on the sea and the lagoon. Sandunga Gallery, Granada.


Memory 1975-1995. Palacio de Velázquez, Madrid

Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid.


Theo Gallery, Valencia.


Gallery Fernando Alcolea, Barcelona.


Sala Luzán, Caja de Ahorros de la Inmaculada, Zaragoza.

Palacio de los Condes de Gabia, the Provincial Council, Granada

Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid.


Gallery Rita Garcia, Valencia.


Gallery Magda Belloti, Algeciras.

Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid.


Gallery Montenegro, Madrid

Fundación Rodríguez-Acosta, Granada

Gallery Palace, Granada, Spain.


Museum of Fine Arts, Malaga.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Seville, spain.


Centro Cultural Manuel de Falla, Granada.


Gallery Montenegro, Madrid.

Gallery Alençon, Madrid.


Galeria Kreisler 2, Madrid

Massachusetts College of Art, Boston. (USA)


Meeting of the General Direction of the Artistic Heritage, Archives and Museums. Travelling Exhibition.


Gallery Carteia, Algeciras

Institute of Culture of the Provincial Council, Malaga

Classroom of Culture of the Caja de Ahorros de Alicante and Murcia and Alicante.


Gallery Ferm, Malmö (Sweden).


Gallery Amadis, Madrid.


House Ladies, Seville.

House of Culture, Huelva


Galería Juana de Aizpuru, Seville

Gallery Daniel, Madrid.


Gallery Trilce, Barcelona.


Group exhibitions (selection) Group Exhibitions




Ideas and proposals for art in Spain. Ministry of Culture. Madrid.

Bit International. Nove Tendecije. ZKM. Karlsruhe, Germany.

Forgetting Velázquez. Las Meninas. Picasso Museum, Barcelona.


Visions and expressions. Collection of Contemporary Art Fund. La Caixa. Fund. La Caixa. Barcelona.

AENA. Col. of Contemporary Art. Convent of Sta Ines, Seville.

Twelve artists in the Museo del Prado. Museo del Prado, Madrid.

In Yellow. Fundac. Rodríguez Acosta, Granada.

Line and plane. Galería Antonio Machón, Madrid.


Forks. C. de Arte Tomás y Valiente. Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain.

Spaces imagined (more light). El Corte Ingles, Madrid, Spain.

Aena collection of contemporary art. Forum Building, Barcelona.

Work on paper. Collection Aena Art. Nuevos Ministerios, Madrid.

Collection 2006. ACAC. Seville.


Season greetings. Haim Chanin, New York.

Times of freedom. Spanish art from 1975 to 1990. Centro Cult. Caixanova Vigo Fund. Caja Vital Kutxa, Vitoria; Box

Spain, León.

Accents in the Collection Caja Madrid. Paint contemporary Spanish. Room of the Jewelry. Madrid.

Disagreements. MACBA, Barcelona.

Measures and extreme reasons. Caja San Fernando, Sevilla.

Models, structures, forms,. Spain 1957-1979. CAAC, Seville.

Visions and suggestions. Instituto Cervantes, Alcalá de Henares.


Are 8. Gallery SCQ, Santiago de Compostela.

The gardens of Granada. Museum PMMK, Oostende, Belgium.

Aena Collection of Contemporary Art. Museum of Fine Arts, Santander.


The night. Images of the night in the Spanish art. Museo Esteban Vicente, Segovia, Spain.

Collection Testimoni 2001-2002. Centro de Arte La Regenta. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


Ends, looks, speeches, figures at the ends of the TWENTIETH century. Room of Exp. of the Community of Madrid.

Images Juxtaposed. Dialogue between abstraction and figuration in the collection BBVA. Museum of Passion in Valladolid.

Environments, Spaces, Sculptures, Constructed, Architectures. Collection of Contemporary Art Fund. la Caixa. Room

Exhibitions The Almodí, Valencia.

Drawings Germ. Sprengel Museum, Hannover.


The Jump of the Horse. Gallery Lekune, Pamplona.

Women into the new millennium. Gallery The Ship, Valencia.

Collection Testimoni 1998-1998. Exhibition hall of The Almodí, Valencia.


Territory Plural. 10 years Collection Witness, 1987-1997. Fundación La Caixa, Madrid.

Drawings Germ. The reina sofía museum, Madrid.


From Goya to Barceló. Collection Fundación Argentaria. Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid.

The air of Granada. Sandunga Gallery, Granada.


At the same time. Itin. Naples, Bologna, Rome.

Those 80. Houses of the Eagle and The Vine, Santillana del Mar, Cantabria.

Collection Witness 95-96. Room of Exp. Spanish Coffee, Oviedo.

1985-1996. Original work on paper. Collection Fundesco. Exhibition hall of Telefónica, Madrid.


The Red Castle. Hause der Kulturem der Welt, Berlin.

For Cruz Vermella. 11 Spanish Artists. Dip. of Pontevedra.


Public Spaces. Private Dreams. Exhibition hall of the Community of Madrid, Madrid, spain.


III Shows Union Fenosa. La Coruña.


Col.lecció Testimoni, 1991-92. Fundació La Caixa, Barcelona.

University Art Museum. California State University, Long Beach.


Images Lyrical/New English Visions. Exposure itin.: Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo; The Art Museum at Florida

International University, Miami; Sarah Campbell Blaffer Gallery, University of Houston; Henry Art Gallery, University of



30 Jahre spanische Malerei und Skulptur von 1950 bis zur gegenwart", Beispiele aus der Sammlung der Fundació Caixa

of Pensions. Exposure itin.: Städtische Kunsthalle Mannheim, Germany; Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf; Kunstverein Hannover.

The Eighties: Art Espagnol des'années 80 dans the Collection of the Fund. Caixa de Pensions. Centre Regional d'art Contemporain,

Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse.


IX Saloon 16. Fundación Caixa de Pensions, Barcelona.


New visions of the Alhambra. Granada and Madrid.

Spanish Painters Today. Studio Marconi, Milan.


Sketch of the new paint (Homenaje a García Lorca). Palacio de los Condes de Gabia, Granada.

Fund. Caixa de Pensions, Inicis d a Col.lecció. Cultural Centre, Fund. Caixa de Pensions, Barcelona.


Painting with Paper. Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid.

1981-1986, Spanish Painters and Sculptors. Fund. Caja de Pensiones, Madrid, spain; Foundation Cartier, Paris.


Contemporary Spanish Art. Fundación Juan March, Madrid.


Women in the Spanish Art. Centro Cult. del Conde Duque, Madrid.

Madrid-Madrid, Spain. Centro Cultural de la Villa de Madrid.

IV Biennial of the City of Oviedo. Oviedo.


26 Painters, 13 Critics. Itin.: Fund. Caja de Pensiones, Madrid, spain; Ayto. of Valencia, Valencia, Caja de Ahorros de Alicante

and Murcia, Alicante; Box Prov. Ahorros San Fernando, Seville, spain; Museum of Contemporary Art, Cáceres; Museum

City of Fine Arts, Santander, Caja de Ahorros de Zamora, Zamora.

VII Exhibition of Fellows of the Plastic Arts. Fund. Juan March, Madrid.


26 Pintors, 13 Critics. Fundació Caixa de Pensions, Barcelona.


Lounge 16. Madrid.


The Eight Faces of the Cube. Gallery Ovid, Madrid.

Belgrade 80. Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

Latin American biennial of Drawing. Mexico.

Line, Space, and Expression of the Spanish Painting Today. Palace of the city Council, Buenos Aires and several cities

of Brazil.







Peregrinatio. Mother earth. The chapel of the Pain. Sagunto.


The artist's gaze: the proposal of Soledad Sevilla. CaixaForum.


I'll call sheet. Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid.


Only the sea in your eyes. Sala Amós Salvador, Logroño.


Season of tears. Installation in the Secret Garden. Caixa Forum, Barcelona.


I'll call sheet because you look like a leaf. Gallery SCQ, Santiago de Compostela.


With a rod of wicker. IVAM, Valencia.

El Rompido. IVAM, Valencia.

Home to the conscience. Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid.


Five facilities in Koldo Mitxelena Kulturenea, San Sebastián: Soledad Sevilla, Lur, Home to the conscience, Music

water, Houses concentric. Time flies.


With a rod of wicker. Cervantes Institute, Damascus, Syria.

Time flies. Palacio de la Madraza, Granada.


With a rod of wicker. Llocs Lliures, Javea.

Time flies. Museum Art and Design of Contemp. San José de Costa Rica; Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid.

Houses concentric, a look on the Albufera. Sala Parpalló, Cultural Center of the Charity, Valencia.


Facilities at the Palacio de Velázquez, Madrid, spain: In the Retreat: the one who recites poetry is she (Smoke), In Retirement: the

who recites poetry is she (Fire), The room of the rain, That your singing hurts me.


And that goes crying. Museu d'art Contemporany d'eivissa, Ibiza.

In Rome: the one who recites poetry is she. Cervantes Institute, Rome.


Loneliness Granada. Museum Marugame Hirai, Japan.

Sleep Well. Center of Worship Sa Nostra, Palma de Mallorca.


May 1904-1992. Castle of Vélez Blanco, Almería, spain.


We went to Cayambe. Sala Luzán, Zaragoza.

Palacio de los Condes de Gabia, the Provincial Council of Granada.

In Solitude: the one who recites poetry is she. Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid.

It would be the Dawn. Queens Museum, New York; Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle.

In Las Palmas: the one who recites poetry is she. Gallery Manuel Ojeda, Las Palmas.


The entire Tower. La Algaba, Sevilla.

It would be the Dawn. Albright-Knox Art Gallery, New York; Blaffer Gallery, Univ. Of Houston, Texas.

The Hour of the Siesta. Minos Beach Art Symposium. Agios Nicholaos, Crete.


Fons et Origo. Fund. Caixa de Pensions, Sala Montcada, Barcelona.


Milk and Blood. Gallery Montenegro, Madrid.


The Power of the Afternoon. Gallery Montenegro, Madrid.


Space Shakespeare. Teatro Español, Madrid, Spain.


Video presentation


Selection of Work