Gustavo Torner

Gustavo Torner (Basin, 1925) meets 90 years old next month of July without barely notice the dozens of exhibitions, works, writings, monuments, designs, conferences, tips and lessons which have been creating and sharing from 50 years ago, just when he decided to quit to devote himself to the profession for which he had studied forestry engineer. In 1953, Torner was making sheets of botany for the second edition of the monumental Forest Flora of Spain; in 1961 took part in the VI Biennial of Sao Paulo and in 1962 at the XXXII Venice Biennale.

Beyond being who discovered Cuenca Fernando Zóbel —with what it meant to this country located at the margin of the progress— and beyond being a prominent member of the so-called "group of Cuenca", Torner deserves our recognition for being one of those few people who worked to modernize and aerate a society and a country in need of impulses and guides.





    Born in Cuenca, the 13th of July. Son of Jorge Torner and Maria Teresa of the Source.

    His paternal grandfather, Antonio Torner and Carbó (Zaragoza, 1825), was a military engineer, professor, and author of an important textbook on integral calculus.

    Two uncles-maternal grandparents, Louis and Miguel from the Source, were painters of the late NINETEENTH century, reaching the last to lead the School of Fine Arts of Valladolid.

    His father, Jorge Torner (Barcelona, 1872), forester, was a professor of Mechanical Rational in the School of Engineers of Mountains, and also author of the textbook of its subject matter.


    His father dies.

  • Exhibitions


    First solo exhibition in Cuenca, Room Aguirre, with works of figurative nature, and intervention of the artist in the exhibition space. Since then he has made more than sixty, highlighting the major retrospective at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in 1991.

    Mill bronze in the Exhibition of la Mancha Arts of Valdepeñas.

    He knows and he developed a friendship with Antonio Saura.


    The first exhibition in Madrid, Gallery, Messenger, oil paintings of figurative and first monotypes almost abstract.

    Evolution towards abstraction texturalista, substituting the oil for the mixed technique with latex.


    First carpets and rugs, in collaboration with a former employee of the Royal Tapestry Factory in Madrid.

    Travel to France, Italy, and islands of the Mediterranean.


    The critic Frederick B. Torralba invites you to exhibit at the institución Fernando el Católico, Zaragoza, and later at the Institute of Studies Turolenses.


    First exposure to non-figurative art in Madrid, galerie Buchholz.

    First trip to Paris, Germany, and the Netherlands.

    The barcelona critic Juan Eduardo Cirlot, interested in his works, he started an intense epistolary correspondence between the two, encouraging them to continue in their work.

    Design and assembly, with original photographs, Flag of Cuenca, in the Fair Field.

    Design interior architecture and furniture of the Gallery Library Machetti, in Cuenca.


    Solo exhibition and monograph of photographs, made in 1955, in the Gallery Machetti Basin.


    Important solo exhibition at the Gallery Biosca of Madrid, which has “27 variations on two textures-structures”, the start of the well-known series of paintings divided into two zones.

    First collage, with which to start a fruitful and original side of his work.

    Participates in the VI Biennial of Sao Paulo.

    He knows and he developed a friendship with Carmen Laffón, Jordi Teixidor and José María Yturralde.


    He exhibited at the XXXII Venice Biennale, continuing its participation in numerous group exhibitions in spain and abroad.

    The Tate Gallery acquired one of his works.

    In Venice knows Lucio Fontana, who was interested in their work, and befriends with Fernando Zóbel, Gerardo Rueda, Eusebio Sempere, Manuel Hernández Mompó.

    Encourages Fernando Zóbel to found a museum, and begins the work for the design and mounting of the future Museum of Spanish Abstract Art of Cuenca.

    Juan Eduardo Cirlot, devoting a monograph: The paintings of Gustavo Torner.


    The first retrospective exhibition in the Hall of the Directorate-General for Fine Arts (National Library) in Madrid.


    He knows and he developed a friendship with José Guerrero.

    First trip to New York with Fernando Zóbel.

    First printing.


    Quit your job as an engineer to devote himself exclusively to the creation of plastic, although he has made many other artistic activities requested by various institutions.

    First folder of prints on texts of Heraclitus, translated directly from the Greek by Henry R. Paniagua.


    Opening of the Museum of Spanish Abstract Art of Cuenca.

    It starts in the sculpture, combining works of small format with monumental, as the “Memorial of the VI World Congress Forestry” (5,40 x 8 x 35 m) in the Sierra of the Canyons in the Basin. Since then, he has made thirty monumental sculptures are spread throughout the Spanish geography.

    Design of the exhibition “hunting and fishing” in the VI World Congress of Forestry.


    Receive the Commendation of the Order of Alfonso X the Wise.


    Begins collaboration with theater director Miguel Narros in the book “punishment without revenge, Lope de Vega, he doesn't get to debut.


    Three-month trip to Rome, the Far East and north America in the company of Fernando Zóbel.


    Design of an underground museum, with 160 walls sliding, to a private collector, in Somosaguas, Madrid, spain.


    He begins his collaboration as an artistic advisor of the Juan March Foundation with the design of the travelling exhibition “Art 73”, performing since 1975, the choice of the topics and of the works and the assembly of all of its exhibits in its madrid headquarters until 2002.


    The first retrospective exhibition of graphic works in the Gallery Turner of Madrid, on the initiative of Manuel Romero.


    Anthological exhibition in the Gallery Crowd of Madrid.


    First trip to Egypt.

    Project of the multicoloured façades of the urbanization Los Olivos, and about 8,000 linear meters of facade, in Mejorada del Campo, near Madrid, in collaboration with the architects Alejandro Blond and José A. Rodríguez de la Cruz.


    Conference “The Museum of Spanish Abstract Art” in the Convent of Santo Domingo, Santiago de Compostela.

    Collaborates in the study team to the General Plan of Urban planning of the city of Cuenca.


    Premiere in Paris of the work “Torner” for the harpsichord and a trio of string, the composer Tomás Marco.

    Collaborates in the design of the expansion of the Museum of Abstract Art in Cuenca.


    Interview with Paloma Chamorro for the program Strokes of Spanish Television.

    As the artistic consultant of the Juan March Foundation design of the travelling exhibition “Goya: the Caprichos – Disaster – Bullfighting – Nonsense”.


    Round, open-art on Gustavo Torner, presented by Juan Manuel Bonet, in the Spanish Museum of Contemporary Art of Madrid.

    First Prize in the Competition I outdoor Sculpture of the city of Madrid.

    Scenery and costumes for the world premiere of the opera “The poet”, a book of J. Méndez Herrera and music by F. Moreno Torroba, with Plácido Domingo as the first interpreter and direction of Rafael Pérez Sierra, at the Teatro de la Zarzuela in Madrid.


    Study of colors for the Management of Facades of the Salamanca District in Madrid.

    Scenery and costumes for “El retablo de Maese Pedro”, with music of Failure on the texts of Cervantes, also with the direction of Rafael Pérez Sierra, at the Teatro de la Zarzuela in Madrid.


    Begins collaboration with the team of architects at the Museum of the Prado in the restructuring of the new rooms of “Flemish Paintings of the SEVENTEENTH Century” and room “Roundabout Ariadna”, dealing with the period 1983 to 1999 rooms of “Goya”, “Velazquez”, “Murillo”, “Treasure of the Dauphin”, “European art of the EIGHTEENTH Century”, “Flemish and Dutch Painting of the SEVENTEENTH Century”, “Goya: Cartons, Portraits, and Cute”, and remodeling of the rest of the rooms of the Prado Museum in the building of Juan de Villanueva.

    He begins his contribution to the creation of the new image of the firm Loewe with the design of your store in Trump Tower, on fifth Avenue, New York, and responsibility between 1983 and 1994 in the design of its stores in Las Palmas, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Madrid, Granada, Valencia, Paris and Bilbao.

    Set design for “The mallard”, by H. Ibsen, direction of José Luis Alonso, for the National Theatre María Guerrero, Madrid.

    Scenery and costumes for “The top hat”, the text of Vital Aza and direction of José María Morera, for the Teatro Bellas Artes in Madrid.


    Design and mounting of the Diocesan Museum of the Cathedral of Cuenca.

    Garden design Sculpture in the madrid headquarters of the Fundación Juan March.

    Scenery and costumes for “dollhouse”, by H. Ibsen, direction of José María Morera, for the Teatro Bellas Artes in Madrid, and for the zarzuela “Agua, azucarillos y aguardiente”, direction of Rafael Pérez Sierra, to the Escuela Superior de Canto de Madrid in the I International Congress of Zarzuela.


    Gold medal of the City of Cuenca.


    Monument “To the Constitution” (11,30 x 10,30 x 7,60 m), in the Square of Mangana, Basin.

    Workshop of contemporary Art at the Fine Arts Circle of Madrid.

    Lecture at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, on the theme “Reflections of an artist today on the art and culture”.

    Design Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid.


    Gold medal for Merit in the Fine Arts, delivered by S. M. the King.


    Begins the design of the Stained glass windows for the Chapel (XII Century) in the Cathedral of Cuenca, as well as the Gable South (XV Century), which are executed in 1993.

    Premio Fundación Pablo Iglesias.


    Conference “Meditations on the quality”, for the Association of Friends of the Museo del Prado, Madrid.

    Design, selection, and assembly, in collaboration with the architect Antoni Juncosa, the “Col·lecció March – 'art Espanyol Contemporani”, in Palma de Mallorca, taking care also of its expansion in 1996 with the name of the “Museu d'art Espanyol Contemporani – Fundación Juan March” and its subsequent expansion in 2003.


    Installation of stained glass windows designed for the apse of the Cathedral of Cuenca.

    Large retrospective exhibition at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid.

    Inaugural lecture of the 1991-92 of the Menéndez Pelayo International University in Cuenca, with a lecture on the Museum of Spanish Abstract Art.


    Elected academician of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Madrid.

    Selected to participate in the Flag of Castilla-La Mancha and in the exhibition “Passages. Present of Spanish Art”, in the Spanish Pavilion of the world Fair, 1992, in Seville.

    Begins collaboration with the architect Antonio Turret for the design of the Centro José Guerrero, Granada.


    Gold medal of the Community of Castilla-La Mancha.

    Academician of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando after reading his speech on the topic “The art, the victim of its theories and its history”.

    Participate in the discussion “Great national museums: Prado and Reina Sofia. A rigorous debate around the politics of museums” organized by the Debate Club of the University Complutense of Madrid in the Faculty of Fine Arts.

    Conference at the Louvre Museum on the Museum of Abstract Art in Cuenca.


    Lecture in the cycle “Basin and musical creation, religious in Spain,” the Meeting of Musicology held in Cuenca, coinciding with the thirty-third Week of Religious Music.


    The editorial Pre-textos published Writings and conversations, a selection of texts by the artist.

    Scenery and costumes for the opera “Selene”, Tomás Marco, and “La vida breve” by Manuel de Falla, direction of José Carlos Plaza, for the National Theatre of la Zarzuela in Madrid.


    Participates with the conference “the paintings in The Prado Museum” in the course “Lessons on the” Museo del Prado " organized by the Fundación Juan March in Madrid.

    Conference, along with Tomás Marco, “How to listen to contemporary painting” of the II Cycle of Conferences and Concerts organized by the Thyssen-Bornemisza Foundation, the Fundación Loewe, and the Association Promúsica, in the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza collection of Madrid.

    Participates in the round table “The role as a protagonist” (in memory of Fernando Zóbel), in the II National Congress on History of paper in Spain, held in Cuenca.


    Set design for “The star of Seville”, by Lope de Vega, address, Miguel Narros, for the National Classical Theatre Company.


    You receive the “Award of the disclosure of the decoration in the art”, one of the National Awards of Decoration “Cristina Rodríguez-Salmon” awarded by the magazine New Style.

    Second and third retrospective exhibition of graphic work in the Foundation Contemporary Spanish Engraving Museum in Marbella (Málaga) and Galería Estiarte, Madrid.


    Design of the magna exhibition “Carolus”, in the fifth centenary of the birth of emperor Charles V, inaugurated by seventeen Heads of State, in the Museum of Santa Cruz, Toledo.


    Grand Cross of the Order of Isabel the Catholic.


    Medal “Basin-Heritage of Humanity”.

    Doctor “Honoris Causa” by the University of Castilla-La Mancha.

    Design, selection and installation of the new Rooms of the TWENTIETH Century from the Museum of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando.


    Honorary academic of the Royal Academy Cuenca of Arts and Letters.

    Donation of about six hundred works to the Spanish people, deposited in the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid.


    Creation of the Foundation Torner.

    Conference at the Royal Academy Cuenca of Arts and Letters.


    Corresponding academic of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Nuestra Señora de las Angustias de Granada.

    Design, selection and assembly of the Space Torner, in Cuenca, inaugurated by the Minister of Culture Ms.. Carmen Calvo.


    Prize of Plastic Arts of the Second Edition of the Awards of the Arts and of the Science of Castilian-Manchego of the World.

    Special mention of the Europa Nostra Awards 2006 at the Espacio Torner – Church of St. Paul.


    Conference “science: the gaze of an artist” in the Institute of Spain, in Madrid.

    Colloquium “A conversation with Gustavo Torner,” within the course “the trembling of The time. The artists and his final work,” directed by Francisco Calvo Serraller, in the Museum of Contemporary Art Esteban Vicente, Segovia.


    “Torner. 50 years of thought-plastic”, a cycle of conferences about his work by Juan Manuel Bonet, Arthur Sagastibelza and Fuencisla Zomeño, at the Centro Cultural Caja Granada, Puerta Real, Granada.

    Receives the award as “Cuenca of the Year” award by the Rotary Club of Cuenca.

    Participates in the Conference Ingráfica of the First International Festival of Recorded Contemporary Basin.


    Participates with the work “Appearance” in the “Object / No object”, artistic interventions in the windows of The English Court of Madrid Building (Street price), within the Arco Fair 2009.

    Involved in the round table “Portrait and the memory of Fernando Zóbel” held on the occasion of the XXV anniversary of his death, at the Museum of Spanish Abstract Art of Cuenca.


    Received the Culture Prize of the Community of Madrid in 2010 in the category of fine Arts.


    World premiere at the Cuenca Cathedral of the work of Joan Magrané “Tu solus qui facis mirabilia”, dedicated to Gustavo Torner, in charge of the vocal group Kea under the direction of Enrique Azurza, custom Semana de Música Religiosa de Cuenca.


    Re-opening of the Space, Torner, temporarily closed in 2011.

    I Cycle of lectures on the work of Gustavo Torner, organized by the Association of Basin Abstract 2016, held at the International University Menéndez Pelayo and the Cathedral of Cuenca, between November 15 and December 21, by Vicente Jarque, Alfonso de la Torre, Francisco José Cerceda Cañizares, Lucio Rodríguez Méndez, María del Carmen Pérez García, José Ramón Alcalá Mellado, Maria Fraile Yoke, Maria Lara Martinez Laura Lara Martínez and Francisco Noguera Campillo.

    He received the National Prize for Graphic Art 2016, granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.


    Award AECA the author of the Best Work, or Set presented by a Spanish artist live, awarded by the Spanish Association of Art Critics for the work exhibited at the booth of the Gallery Fernández-Braso at the International Contemporary Art Fair Arco 2017.

    Prize, Golden Cup, the first edition of the awards City of Cuenca, Gustavo Torner and Space Torner, awarded by the City of Cuenca.

    He was awarded the Grand Cross of the Civil Order of Alfonso X the Wise.

    Fourth exhibition dedicated to his graphic work, in the Calcografía Nacional of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, on the occasion of the National Prize for Graphic Art 2016.


    Recital at the House Zavala Basin “Music in Zavala. Tribute to Gustavo Torner”, by Josep Maria Saperas, with works for recorder and electroacoustic works of the FOURTEENTH century, Satoh, Stravinsky, free Download, Van Eych, Boismortier, Linde and Saperas.



  • A result of the above: my special interest for the present and, above all, the future. and I would like to be able to clearly separate in the finished work, all you have pure human creation –of interiority, of the technical or artesarnía that has made it possible.
  • GUSTAVO TORNER. A fragment of the text of the catalogue of the gallery Juana Mordó. Madrid, 1968.

Selección de obra de Gustavo Torner