Guillermo Pérez Villalta

November 2020 – January 2021

Third solo exhibition of Guillermo Pérez Villalta, (Tarifa, Cádiz, 73 years) in the gallery Fernández-Braso of Madrid and second-and last −after the survey carried out in 2018− dedicated to the “classicism”, a concept present in western culture from antiquity to the present day, and the object of study, review, and analysis by Pérez Villalta from the last few years.

The exhibition will be made up of works that the artist has carried out between 2018 and 2020, the first in Madrid after the exhibition “art as maze”, held in 2021 in the Sala Alcalá 31, Madrid.



  • Biographical Notes

    Guillermo Pérez Villalta
    Born in Tarifa, Cadiz, spain, in 1948
    In 1985 he obtained the National Prize of Plastic Arts and the Medal of Andalusia
    In 1994 he obtained the Prize of Plastic Arts of Andalusia
    In 2006 he received the Gold Medal of the Fine Arts

  • Public Collections

    Friends of Contemporary Art, Madrid
    ARTIUM Centro – Museo Vasco de Arte Contemporáneo, Vitoria
    Ayuntamiento de Sevilla
    Bank of Spain, Madrid
    CAC Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Málaga, Málaga, spain
    CAAC – Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Seville, spain
    CAAM – Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
    Caja San Fernando, Sevilla
    Collection Fundesco, Madrid Collection Banco Zaragozano
    Col.lecció Testimoni de La Caixa, Barcelona
    Chase Manhattan Bank, New York
    Diputación Provincial, Granada
    Fundación Banco Exterior, Madrid
    Fundación Josep Suñol, Barcelona Fundación Juan March, Madrid
    Institute of the united States, Tangier Museum of Contemporary Art, Seville Museum of Fine Arts, Bilbao
    Museo colecciones ICO, Madrid
    Museum of the Diputación Foral de Álava, Vitoria
    Municipal Museum, Madrid
    Museum Marugame Hirai Spanish Contemporary Art, Japan
    Museu d'art Espanyol Contemporani, Palma de Mallorca
    MNCARS – Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid
    Museum of the Ravelin, Ceuta

  • Solo Exhibitions

    Guillermo Pérez Villalta. Paintings 2018-2020, Gallery Fernández-Braso, Madrid
    Guillermo Pérez Villalta. Art as a maze. Sala Alcalá 31, Madrid; curator: Óscar Alonso Molina
    Guillermo Pérez Villalta. The sign of the West. Museum of Cadiz, Cadiz, spain
    Guillermo Pérez Villalta. The sign of the West. C3A of Andalusia, Cordoba
    Guillermo Pérez Villalta 2014-2018, Gallery Fernández-Braso, Madrid
    The shadow of the idea: drawings, Gallery Gema Llamazares, Gijón; curator: Óscar Alonso Molina

    The order of the imaginary. Galería Javier López-Fer French, Madrid; curator: Óscar Alonso Molina
    Gulliver's travels, Sala Amós Salvador, Logroño
    Order and symbol in the Building Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Algeciras; curator: Javier Sampalo
    Taste the taste, Galería Rafael Ortiz, Seville
    Guillermo Pérez Villalta 2012-2014, Gallery Fernández-Braso, Madrid
    Souvenir of life. The donation of G. P Villalta, CAAC, Seville; curator: Óscar Alonso Molina
    Imaginaland, Siboney, Santander
    Guillermo Pérez Villalta 2010-2012, Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid
    Follies of Imaginalia, Galería Rafael Ortiz, Seville
    Gulliver's travels. Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Palacio de la Madraza, Granada
    Gulliver's travels. Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Museum of Fine Arts of the city of Jaen
    Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Gallery Alfredo Viñas, Malaga
    The petite sensation, Galería Rafael Ortiz, Seville
    The Metamorphosis and other mythologies, CAC Malaga, Malaga, spain
    Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Gallery One, Jaén
    Paintings 2008-2010. Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid
    Museum of Cadiz and contemporary creation, Museum of Cadiz
    Emblem: Art, life and symbol in Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Museo Casa de la Moneda, Madrid; curator: Óscar Alonso Molina

    Gulliver's travels, Cultural Center Foundation Circle of Readers, mobile: Barcelona,
    Zamora, Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) and Rincón de la Victoria (Málaga)
    Craftsman, Fundación ICO, Madrid, spain; curator: Óscar Alonso Molina
    Architectures found, The Kursaal, Algeciras and Room Rivadavia, Cadiz; curator: Javier Sampalo
    Paintings 2005-2008, Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid
    Processes 2003-2006, Galería Rafael Ortiz, Seville
    Gulliver's travels, Exhibition Hall of Círculo de lectores, Madrid
    Craftsman, Museum of the province of Cádiz and Exhibition Hall of Vimcorsa, Ayto. of Cordoba; curator: Óscar Alonso Molina
    Islands, Siboney, Santander
    Craftsman, Caja San Fernando, Sevilla; curator: Óscar Alonso Molina
    Sacred Art / Art Profane, Sala Amós Salvador, Logroño
    Paintings 2003-2005, Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid
    Processes: look, I reflect, painting... Foundation Riggers, Seville
    Guillermo Pérez Villalta. Contemporary art in private collections, of Toledo, of the Real Fundación de Toledo
    Annotations, Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid
    Piranesi-Dream-Landscape, Siboney, Santander Sala García Castañón-Fundación Caja Navarra, Pamplona
    Atarlosmachos, Room Rivadavia, Cadiz, spain; Museo Cruz Herrera, La línea de La Concepción
    Guillermo Pérez Villalta. Paintings 1998-2000, Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid
    Guillermo Pérez Villalta. Paintings 1972-1998, Fundación Marcelino Botín, Santander
    Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Galería Rafael Ortiz, Seville
    Galería Senda, Barcelona
    Guillermo Pérez Villalta, OMR Gallery, Mexico
    Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid
    Galería Rafael Ortiz, Seville
    Dialogues in Key Ornamental. Guillermo Pérez Villalta / Jaime Proença, MEIAC, Badajoz
    Galería Alfredo Viñas, Malaga
    Casa de la Parra, Santiago de Compostela
    G. P. V. Ornaments, Gallery, Carmen Street, Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz)
    Paintings and jewelry, Sandunga Gallery, Granada
    The source of the memory, Galería Senda, Barcelona 1995
    Interior Galleries in the Arenal, Seville
    The Architecture and the Sea, Baluarte de la Candelaria, Cadiz, spain and Casa del Cordón, Burgos
    Recent work, OMR Gallery, Mexico 1994
    Places and Inventions, Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid, Galería Fernando Latorre, Zaragoza
    Gallery Salvador Riera, Barcelona
    Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid
    Works on paper 1976 – 1991, Sala Amós Salvador, Logroño, Art Centre of the City of Oviedo; Room of Weapons
    The citadel of Pamplona; Hospital of Santiago Úbeda (Jaén, spain); Museum of Fine Arts of Bilbao and Art Center
    Palacio Almudí, Murcia
    Gallery Manuela Boscolo, Busto Arsizio (Italy)
    Works on paper 1976 – 1991, exhibition Hall of the Bank of Zaragoza, Zaragoza
    Work 1986-1989, Palau Solleric, city Hall of Palma de Mallorca
    The water hides or the navigator interior, Palacio de los Condes de Gabia, Diputación Provincial de Granada
    The Odyssey, Gallery Columella, Madrid
    Ornamental Arts, Fundación Rodríguez Acosta, Granada, Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid, Galería Juan Silió, Santander, Gallery Windsor Kulturgintza, Bilbao
    Drawings of Architecture, Palace Pier, Board Port, Santander
    Work 1988-1990, Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid
    Ornamental Art, Luis Adelantado Gallery, Valencia, Gallery Viçon, Barcelona
    Work 1986-1988, Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid
    5 x 5, Gallery Estampa, Madrid; College of Architects of Malaga, Seville, Cadiz, Cordoba and Granada
    Work 1983-1986, Galería Antonio Machón, Madrid
    ARCO86, Galería Antonio Machón, Madrid
    Sfios and sphinxes, Galería Rafael Ortiz, Seville
    Art 1786. Basel fair, Galería Antonio Machón, Madrid
    Some works 1973-75, Sala Luzán, Zaragoza
    Sculpture Gallery, Estampa, Madrid Galería Fúcares, Almagro
    Four Gardens, Gallery Sen, Madrid
    Faces, Gallery Estampa, Madrid
    ARCO83, Gallery Alençon, Madrid
    Glasses, Gold, Swords and Wands, Gallery Palace, Granada, Gallery, Ateneo, Malaga, Gallery Magda Belloti, Alge ciras (Cádiz)
    Work 1979 -1983, Salas Pablo Ruiz Picasso, National Library, Madrid
    ARCO82, Gallery Alençon, Madrid
    Work 1976-1979, Gallery Vandrés, Madrid
    Guillermo Peréz Villalta and Chema Cobo, Gallery Buades, Madrid
    Work 1974-1976, Gallery Vandrés, Madrid
    Work 1973-1974, Gallery Buades, Madrid
    Gallery Daniel, Madrid
    Galería Juana de Aizpuru, Seville
    Gallery Amadis, Madrid
    Gallery Trajan 35, Seville
    Gallery Mandrake, Malaga



Selección de obra de Guillermo Pérez Villalta