Eusebio Sempere

Me desvelo, and I think Sempere. Or do I sleeplessness because I think Sempere?

I declined, at first, this kind invitation to write a text about Sempere thinking that nothing could I bring to everything has already been said about his work, but I see now that this unexpected and undeserved proposal has had to order the faculty of incitarme to write -even if you are still, however, thinking exactly the same thing - since he has to finish for face again to the question of what is what captivates me of his work, a work of which I am so attached, for which I feel such admiration. Or desvelarme once more thinking about Sempere.



  • Eusebio Sempere

    Sempere is the artist of alicante's most internationally well-known and one of the Spanish artists more relevant in the second half of the TWENTIETH century. His work is always around to geometric abstraction sometimes kinetics and other more lyrical and landscape, displays an artistic trajectory of a coherence impeccable. His works are the fruit of a rigorous and continuous study of the geometric shape, the optical illusion and the sense of motion, although they have a lyricism very unique and a great formal beauty.



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